What is Fuel Monitoring in Fleet Management Systems?


What is Fuel Monitoring

What is Fuel Monitoring in Fleet Management


This might come as a surprise, but according to research, most businesses end up spending about 24% of their fleet budget on fuel! A lot of factors end up contributing to these massive digits. Some of them include:

  • Fuel consumption for running vehicles 

  • Fuel pilferage 

  • Rash driving 

  • Fluctuating fuel costs 

Sure, most of these practices are inevitable. It is not possible to completely avoid rash driving and other factors. However, through fuel monitoring in fleet management systems, managers can certainly reduce consumption. 

How Does Fuel Tracking Software Work? 

Before technology made everything easier, fleet managers used to collect estimated fuel

data on paper. Most of these data only included calculating when the fuel tank was filled

and how fuel was ejected or consumed from vehicles. 

As technology advanced, papers were replaced with excel sheets that make analyzing

data much simpler. However, most of the data collected was still manual and estimated.

It was when fleet management software came along that an amalgamation of hardware

and software made fuel monitoring interesting. Now, managers can install fuel level

sensors in each of their vehicles’ tanks and integrate them with software. 

Advantages of Fuel Monitoring For Trucks 

How managers choose to manage their fuel consumption quantum and costs can make or

break their functions. The wisest thing to do in today’s time is to make use of the

technological aid available. Therefore, in this section let’s talk about the multi-purpose

advantages of fuel monitoring systems

Improved Fuel Economy

Surveys suggest that about 55% of fleets have experienced lower fuel consumption costs

after implementing fuel management tools. This is mostly because managers get a better
view of how resources are being used in their fleet and can reduce wastage. 

Higher Data Accuracy 

With hardware and software integration, the possibility of errors is massively minimized.

Since the major purpose of the fuel monitoring feature is to collect real-time data, managers
can rest assured that the data they receive is accurate. After all, there is no scope for
misunderstanding or miscalculations. The higher the accuracy, the better functions can be
through higher insights. 

Boost Business Profitability

Boosting productivity for a fleet-run business can come from anything that minimizes

operations costs. And that is exactly what fuel management does. When managers get a
clear view of their resource consumption, they can devise ways to reduce it and in turn,
increase business profitability.


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