Why Do Pharmaceutical Companies Need MR Reporting Software

MR Reporting Software

Pharma industries need MR reporting software to decrease manual labour for both managers and medical reps. The software automates the job of the managers and employees through its multiple features and solutions. This allows the companies to form an effective schedule and assign to the best-suited reps.

The software increases the productivity of the reps and streamlines the business operations. This article contains the details of every reason that pharma companies should invest in an MR reporting system.

What is MR Reporting Software?

The pharmaceutical industry and field employees are the target market for the medical representative (MR) reporting software. 

The software gathers data at every job stage and sends real-time reports to managers. Additionally, the programme has automated features that make it simple for managers to track medical representatives, projects, deadlines, and orders. 

Target setting, assigning tasks and directions, and making it simple to contact MRs without any problems are further benefits of MR reporting software. Additionally, it encourages clever and effective labour, which aids in boosting sales. The sales force's usage of resources is streamlined, which is another compelling argument in favour of using it.

Why Do Pharma Companies Need MR Reporting Software?

Sales and customer interactions are crucial for pharmaceutical enterprises. They are made feasible by the use of MR reporting software, which can increase the effectiveness of your field sales team. This is the ideal method for you to attract and keep clients and physicians. 

Planning and MR Schedule

You can organise your medical representative's reporting using MR reporting software.

  • Workloads and tasks

  • Smartly plan the order of the visits.

  • Remotely create, assign, and change the task checklist

  • Adding, deleting, or postponing medical visits is all done remotely in real-time.

Dashboard with information

Managers or superiors can obtain an analytical and educational dashboard using MR reporting software. This detailed dashboard's ability to give management real-time updates and stats on the MRs' operational actions is nothing short of miraculous.

The timetables, task status and history, location, etc., are all visible to the supervisors. Benefits of using Top MR reporting software include configuring the dashboard to the pharmaceutical company's needs. 

Efficient MR Reporting

MR reporting software can reduce the time needed to prepare and submit medical representative reports. The programme can automatically generate all the reports needed and be used in the pharmaceutical sector in real time. Call reports, attendance and leave reports, reports on doctor visits, employee activity reports, and cost records for each MR are among the reports. It can be completed in a few minutes by the software.

Rapid MR Reporting

The time required to prepare and submit the medical representative reports can be decreased with MR reporting software. The software can instantly produce all the reports required and used in the pharmaceutical industry. The reports include call logs, attendance and leave logs, reports on doctor visits, employee activity logs, and expense records for each MR. The software can finish it in a few minutes.

Read Also:- How Workforce Management Software’s Automation Helps The Medical Industry

Why is TrackoField the Best MR Reporting Software?

Your goal is to scale your pharmaceutical firm by assisting your MRs in selling more when you invest in MR reporting software. You also understand that you will want help from an MR reporting software to accomplish this.

This is due to the growing necessity of managing personnel who bear the burden of boosting the company's revenue and ensuring the delight of its customers. Automation, however, is more essential because it will keep your staff members productive and free them from tedious jobs.

TrackoField provides automated solutions that remove the need for daily commutes to the workplace, such as geocoded leave and attendance tracking. Instead, when a medical representative arrives at their first task site, their attendance is automatically recorded.

Task management is another option that promotes transparency because it allows managers to monitor the progress of given tasks for their staff in real time. They can plan visits in advance and remotely. Without naming them, reminders and alerts of impending meetings are a component of the monitoring process.

 We cannot under any circumstances minimise the significance of order management in the pharmaceutical sector. MRs can take orders remotely, check product catalogues, and apply discounts with the aid of an order management solution without getting in touch with superiors. Also, management can monitor the progress because they can see the orders.


The best way to win over doctors and clients and grow your sales is through MRs because they interact with them and make sales. The Best MR reporting software makes the job easy as it automates the process of conducting sales and business operations. 

TrackoBit is the best field force management software as it has all the solutions and features that helps the medical reps make sales easily.

Schedule a demo now!

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